Here at USA TODAY Coupons, we love to save you money wherever we possibly can. That’s why we search the internet and collect all the very best deals and Dollar General coupon codes we can find to save you money, all listed in one place for your convenience!
USA TODAY Coupons is dedicated to helping you make the most of your money. Before you visit the Dollar General website, be sure to explore our range of money-saving deals. Take a moment to discover the potential savings waiting for you!
1. Using a Dollar General promo codeThere is usually a fantastic offer available to use at Dollar General, which can be redeemed at USA TODAY Coupons.
2. Choose your coupon codeSelect the offer code that you’d like to add. Select Get Code to reveal.
More ways to save: Visit USA TODAY's coupons page for deals from thousands of vendors
3. Copy your discount codeThe code is then presented to you to copy over.
4. Choose your itemsHave a look for your choice of items at Dollar General and simply add to your online cart.
5. Enter the offer code at the Dollar General checkoutPaste into the “coupon” box on the checkout page.
6. All Done!Your discount code will now be applied to your order and you can enter payment information and shipping details to complete your purchase.